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Pink kingdom
World 70
Products & styling


Eliise Järve is an artist whos mission is to evoke dreams and dreaming. She jumps between virtual and real world, finds beauty in industrail materials and everyday objects. Her visions often come to life through textile and fashion art


2020 — … Pallas University of Applied Sciences (textile)

2023 - exchange student at Moholy-Nagy Uniersity of Art and Design (Hungary)

Group exhibitions

2023 “Minimina” Gallery Pallas

2023 “Värve pole olemas?” Aparaadi Galeriide öö vol 10

2022 “Hinge kaartides” Gallery Pallas

2022 pop up exhibition at Ajuokse shed


2023 I Land Sound’i festival installation volunteer

2023 ERKL and Pallas textile department contest recognition

2022 Intsikurmu festivali lavakujundus

2021 Stencibility volunteer

2021 MPT social media content creator


2023 Polywerk 3d

2022 OÜ Konstruktor - Hand pleating for Julia H

2021 TAKK art center - assistant for Samuelle Green

Pink kingdom

Once upon a time there was a pink kingdom.
The kingdom was called like that because of their pink mountain tops that made the sky sparkle. Glistening rivers which healed every blemish on your skin, radiant snow that looked like angels falling down from the sky and pink forests that were filled with healing mushrooms.
--------------------------------------Everything about the kingdom seemed perfect. Living there felt like a never ending holiday. Tho not everyone could use the powers of the kingdom.
------------------------------------------ First of all you would have to know a magic spell which is inherited in families from generation to generation. Secondly everyone had to pervade a magical ritual, which consists of swimming through a condensed milk lake that evokes hallucinations
--------------------------------------------Walk through a cotton candy forest  that differentiates a  smell that makes contestants sleepy and shows them their scariest nightmares
-------------------------------------------Climb on top of the pink mountain using gummy ropes and fight a sour candy monster. In fact looking in the eye of the monster, makes you melt into gelatine and the monster will eat you.
-------------------------------------------Every year boys and girls across the world, who have turned 18, would come to prove their skills and receive the powers of the pink kingdom. Only a few would manage to pass the test and bathe in the glory of the powers. But where did all those powers come from? Answer to this question lies in an ancient tale…

Hand knitted calypso for Cream
Supervisor:Annika Kiidron, Maarja Raidla
Hand knitted stockings for Space

World 70

In world 70 people are tired of wars and crime so they decide to put all of their resources into making space travel a possibility. This cultivates in the fall of capitalism, therefore big companies collapse and small businesses take over.
First ride to space is to a shipwreck planet Bluetarion (named after the planets colour scheme), where astronauts found a curios plant, that ate space junk, and took it with them to study on earth. The plant was named PUFF, after its feature to be flat in planets atmosphere  but to puff up in outer space. In a deeper research it turned out that PUFF has a self cleaning system that spacesuit designers took up and started to use this new raw material.


Fast forward 10 years, into an utopian society where garment making has reached its peak. All stitches are done using Resortecs Smart stitch thread. This makes the assamble and dismantel of components easy. Especially when talking about childerns clothes which now can be made longer or wider with ease.
Everyone can be seen walking around in a so called “secound skin” made out of seacell (seaweed based fiber), making peaople age more gradually and gives them the needed nutrtitinos. 

-Collection is inspired by Therry Mugler 1995 show

Look is made out of recycled plastic film 

Products & Styling 

H  Hand knitted shirts
Redesigned backless leather jacket 
Corset from old adidas shoes
Frogs gone wild for Brainvomit inktober 


Screen print “Aura ära/ära aura” Supervisor: Kadi Pajupuu
Linocut “Alien aircraft”

4 color screen print
Brushes out of pine cones




Maybe there is something, that even God cant understand?
-Research into bible accurate angels
Supervisor: Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins

Once upon a time, me and my embroideries took a trip to TC planet. A planet where everything was made for touch. First impression for my embroideries was a bit scary. They were used to hanging behind glass windows, existing solely for observation, but all of a sudden everyone that passed our way stretched their hands or head for a touch.

I wanted to take them to the SL planet on the next day but it seemed too much for them to take in.

I had been hopping between plants for a while now, enjoying the different hyper-focused sensations. One day I hope to hop to the 4D planet. But I've heard that coming down from there is hard, sometimes even devastating…
TC = touch

SL = smell

HR = hear

SG = sight

_such life easing tool like a machine, should be present in every home

(A machine that is capable of easing our mental and physical burdens)

(A machine that takes thoughts away from work and allows for rest)

What would happen if I were to become a machine? I could shed all my  human concerns and focus on transforming energy and information.

_I experimented with the process of turning from a human into a machine, and the result was stress-free endless work.

Let us all become machines, human machines. 
“Colors do not excist” collaboration with OÜ Polywerk

Ft. Kirke Kirikall